Looking back to my last year of running, I realize one thing. I am very very grateful that I CAN run. I know many people who would love to get out there and simply go for a jog, but can't for many valid reasons.
So...why do I run???
First one is an easy one... my health... I'm 45 years old and I have ZERO health issues. My blood pressure is in the OPTIMAL category. My weight is just right. (OK, I could lose a few pounds but they look good one me :-D ) As far as I know, no cholesterol or any other problems are lurking out there... so... obviously running is good for me.
Next one is stress. After a crazy day, or simply after a "normal" day of worrying about... well just about everything, going jogging for 30 mins to an hour really does do wonders and helps me to think straight. I'm less cranky with family and friends and it really does help me keep a smile on my face.
Next one is tricky... It's all about keeping me sane... or making me go crazy... I'm still trying to figure that one out. Running to get rid of stress is awesome for my sanity... but running THREE marathons PLUS an Ultra Trail Marathon of 56 km in 2011 is NUTS... so the jury is still out on the sanity part.
EDLC - Étudiants dans la course (Students on the Run) The motivation I get from running almost a full year with these kids is indescribable. This is my 2nd year as a mentor and it's just plain incredible to watch these kids evolve from running/walking 20 minutes to a 5 km, to 10km, to 20 km and finally to the marathon. All the way, they evolve not only physically but mentally, socially and so many other ways. I feel privileged and really blessed to be on the journey with this group of kids.
Last and certainly not least, running simply helps me to deal with life itself. I've completed in my lifetime half-marathons, marathons, an ultra-marathon and each one helps me to define goals, follow a plan, and achieve my goals. Running helps me to deal with the setbacks along the way and helps me to stay motivated when I'm down. It helps me to tolerate the stress that life has a tendency to throw at me. It also helps to make me be a better person with my family and the folks around me.
I do not desire to imagine not
running anymore. I'm just going to keep going and going until I'm hundred and fifty.
I'm just grateful to be able to even imagine continuing to do so.